
40 Questions about Elders and Deacons is unavailable, but you can change that!

Benjamin Merkle’s question-and-answer volume tackles the major questions that pastors, church leaders, and students ask about church government. Merkle clearly analyzes key passages, succinctly answers common questions, and provides questions for group discussion. The format makes it easy for readers to quickly find the answers to their most pertinent questions.

Hebrews exhorts his readers to obey their leaders and submit to them, “for they are keeping watch over your souls” (Heb. 13:17). What could be a more important and, at the same time, more frightening job description? Leaders in the church (elders in particular) are given the task of making sure those in their charge have a healthy relationship with God. Their calling is not to run an organization or to help people maximize their potential in the world. Rather, their calling is to come beside their
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